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Liberation Psychology and Education: ending “Sufferation” and Inspiring (Neo) Freedom Conductors for the 21st Century

Runtime - 56 minutes

Lynda James Myers, Ph.D. presents at the 2006 Teachers College Annual Winter Roundtable at Columbia University.


What is happening to our capacity for ethical and moral reasoning? Why does our education and training fail to provide professionals who can work against escalating oppression, social justice, and the income gap? Dr. Myers presents her well-known Optimal Theory, a psychology of liberation that inspires us to become conductors of human freedom. Optimal theory provides specific strategies to lead us out of this quagmire and on to a more just, sacred, sustainable world.

Lynda James Myers - Liberation Psychology and Education - DVD

$169.00 Regular Price
$50.00Sale Price
  • If you would like to purchase an online streaming subscription to any of the Teachers College Winter Roundtable presentation videos from 2012 onward, visit

  • Defective DVDs will be replaced within 30 days of purchase. Contact us for instructions.

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